How to live longer: Scientist shares 'prime sign' in your 40s that could be warning of future complications

Addressing fatigue in your thirties is important

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 11/02/2025

- 11:40

Updated: 11/02/2025

- 13:53

An expert has detailed some of the tell tale signs that you'll have health trouble in years to come

As scientists make progress in longevity research, the focus is gradually shifting toward improving health span.

In other words, researchers are interested in extending the number of years people live free of disease rather than simply extending their lifespan.

Stem cell scientist Christian Drapeau has highlighted crucial indicators of healthy ageing, particularly targeting those in their 30s and 40s.

Speaking on TikTok, Drapeau warned that feeling exhausted at 39 could signal future health complications.


The scientist shed light on some key indicators of poor health in older age


“If you’re already exhausted at 39, I can tell you, this is the prime sign, this is the market indicating that in the decades to come, you will have bigger issues,” he explained.

“So it is the time now to start doing something about it. If you’re in your 30s and 40s and already feeling exhausted, make sure your intestinal flora is good."

The scientist pointed out that fatigue, depression and mental fog can often stem from poor gut health.

But fortunately, simple lifestyle interventions like physical activity can prove crucial for longevity.

"Physical activity is probably the single most important thing that someone can do in their life to leave brain fog and promote a sense of physical energy," he shared.

Other crucial components of a healthy gut include a balanced diet and healthy stress levels.

Drapeau also advocates for intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating, noting that it's effective for tackling their mental fog and fatigue.

"It can do a lot of great things for you," he shared, adding: “Probably the biggest one is your outlook on life. Find three things in the morning that you can express gratitude for.”

Healthy meal

A varied and balanced diet is crucial to maintain good health


Experts at Harvard note that healthy lifestyle choices, social support, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol are some of the key predictors of healthy ageing.

They stress that food has a direct impact on cells in the body - and this in turn impacts longevity.

According to the institution, a healthy diet will provide cells with vital sources of energy and keep them stable and working as they should.

In addition, healthy foods support the immune cells, which defend against infections and other health threats, protect other cells from damage and help the body repair or replace damaged cells.