'Don't ignore the signs': Woman in 30s diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer after spotting 5 unsettling symptoms

Sarah Ferguson's cancer alliance speech

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 20/01/2025

- 12:20

A content creator has highlighted how easy it is to confuse signs of colorectal cancer for other conditions

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with scientists constantly exploring new methods to curb its widespread impact.

Colorectal cancer - also known as bowel cancer - is particularly prevalent due to its association with various environmental factors.

The slow-growing nature of disease means it can go unnoticed for years before a formal diagnosis is made. Careful monitoring, however, can potentially save lives.

A cancer survivor in her 30s recently shared a warning to viewers in a clip captioned ‘the signs I missed that I had stage 3 colorectal cancer in my 30s'.


Lindsey urged others not to ignore the warning signs


In the months leading up to her diagnosis, Lindsey Jayn noticed unsettling changes in her digestive system.

The list included:

  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Consistent bloating
  • Constipation for days at a time
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Undiagnosed food sensitivities

In addition to changes in bowel movement, other symptoms of colorectal cancer include nausea, weight loss and vomiting blood.

Cancer Research UK states that the most prevalent symptoms include changes in bowel habits.

Unfortunately, these symptoms are often mistaken for those of other conditions, highlighting the importance of consulting a doctor.

What's more, the early stages of cancer tend to be silent, so the appearance of such symptoms could indicate advanced disease.


Changes in bowel movements are common with bowel cancer


“Don’t ignore these signs of colorectal cancer that are sometimes mistaken for other things,” Lindsey cautioned.

Cancer Research UK stresses the importance of going to your doctor if you have any bleeding.

“Your doctor won’t think you are wasting their time," notes the health body.

“It’s very likely that you’ll have a rectal examination. This means the doctor puts a gloved finger into your back passage and feels for anything abnormal.”