Britons warned of serious health problems as many wait 'far too long' for important checks

Man back pain

Britons often put off checks for back pain

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 02/10/2023

- 15:44

Britons risk serious health problems as the "put up with pain" for too long before asking for help

Back pain can make day to day tasks for difficult and yet many will live with the pain rather than get help.

Some 32 per cent of Britons will wait until pain is unbareable before getting themselves checked, according to a survey.

Doing this can often make back problems worse, lead consultant osteopath at Michael Fatica warned.

He said: "Many sufferers of back pain simply ‘put up with it’ and wait far too long before seeking professional advice, and this exacerbates their problems.

Woman with back pain

Back pain can represent a range of problems


"They also tend to try many different ‘quick’ fixes – often at great expense – without actually taking control of the problem themselves.

“Worryingly, our survey shows that more than one in 10 people (13 per cent) have also opted for back surgery, which should only ever be a last resort.

"Even worse is the fact that this seldom proves to be a long-term solution unless they first get to the root of the problem.”

Britons may put off getting checked if they think they are too busy, that their issue isn't big enough or if it is something they can fix themselves.

However, treating pain at home is often not a long term solution and could make the problem worse in some cases.

Pain can often be brought on by lifestyle factors and identifying these could make it issues easier to treat.

Michael continued: "If back pain sufferers start by thinking about the cause of their problems, they will be on track to find a lasting solution.

Back check up

Lifestyle factors can be the case of back pain


“The fact is that for most people, the best long-term rehabilitation for their back is one in which they actively participate.

"It takes patience and persistence, but the rewards will be far greater and the chances of re-injury will be dramatically reduced.”

This comes as busy Britons are more likely to skip preventative health checks.

Britons have been warned as they are at risk of missing signs of deadly heart disease.