‘Star War fandom is broken’ Disney sparks backlash after claims ‘it's about time’ a woman shaped film

Disney has sparked backlash after some fans said they will "boycott" the new movie

Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 05/01/2024

- 09:35

Disney sparks backlash after director claims ‘it's about time’ a woman shaped film

Some social media users have called for a boycott of Disney after new Star Wars director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's comments on men re-surfaced.

The director said that it is "about time" that a woman shaped a film in the franchise.

In an interview on CNN, at the weekend she said: "I'm very thrilled about the project because I feel what we're about to create is something very special.

"We're in 2024 now, and it's about time that we had a woman come forward to shape a story in a galaxy far, far away."

Steven Carty, Ellie Costello, Stephen Dixon,  Emma Burnell

Star Wars fans have been left fuming


Speaking on GBNews Steven Carty, a film critic said that there is a "deep problem" with Disney and the fans of the franchise are "fundamentally broken."

He said: "I don't know what the word woke means anymore. It seems to have lost all meaning.

"I think there is a deeper problem with Disney in terms of the quality of its output.

"At the end of the day, I think a lot of these problems and all these arguments would disappear if the films were just well made.

Storm Trooper

Star Wars is a major Disney franchise


"A lot of them recently haven't been. A lot of them have been objective failures. A lot have been very unpopular and I think things like the Star Wars fandom are fundamentally broken.

"They're very tribal and I think opinions tend to be very entrenched. People just take a side before a film even comes out.

​"I think we should maybe just wait until these films come out, watch them, then judge them. Or at least let's wait for the trailer, see if it looks good, and see if you fancy it.

"We shouldn't be judging these things before they're even made."

Steven Carty

A film critic said that the fans are 'fundamentally broken' 


​Agreeing with the film critic, Emma Burnell a political consultant added: "Star Wars is something that both sexes have enjoyed all their lives.

"I had a Star Wars lunchbox when I was at school. So did every single person, male or female, In my primary school. It was a little confusing, but it showed the ubiquity of the love of Star Wars.

"Now there are female creatives involved behind the scenes. Wonderful.

"That's a great thing because Star Wars has always been something everybody's enjoyed."