Shirley Ballas backs Giovanni Pernice amid BBC investigation with cryptic message: 'Truth will come out'

BBC Strictly: Shirley Ballas

BBC Strictly: Shirley Ballas has publicly backed Giovanni Pernice

Olivia Gantzer

By Olivia Gantzer

Published: 18/06/2024

- 14:55

Updated: 18/06/2024

- 16:06

The Strictly head judge has opened up on the ongoing controversy

Strictly Come Dancing judge Shirley Ballas has broken her silence on the controversy surrounding Giovanni Pernice.

The 63-year-old has said "the truth will come out" as she threw her support behind dancer Pernice, 33.

A BBC investigation into the claims made against the Italian choreographer is ongoing after his celebrity partner of last year, Amanda Abbington, made claims about his "abusive" behaviour, which he has strongly denied.

Earlier this month, it was confirmed Pernice wouldn't be returning to Strictly Come Dancing amid the accusations and the media storm that has followed.

Abbington, 52, pulled out of the BBC competition early last year and later went on to claim she had been diagnosed with PTSD before going on to claim Pernice displayed "abusive" behaviour during training.

While fellow judge Anton Du Beke, 57, has supported Pernice, along with his former partner Debbie McGee, many Strictly stars have remained silent on the topic.

Shirley Ballas

Ballas is head judge of Strictly Come Dancing


Ballas, 63, has now broken her silence by defending the dancer amid the investigation by the BBC.

While promoting her new book Murder on the Dancefloor, she told The Mirror: "I know he is a hard worker.

"He wants the people to do the very best that they can do. Obviously, in my life I was bullied a lot.

"I don't condone bullying on any path but also I don't believe gossip and what you read in the newspapers because things get escalated and they are blown way out of all proportion and it can turn into a great big snowball.

Amanda Abbington and Giovanni Pernice

The claims began with Abbington's early exit from the show last year


"So my feeling for Giovanni is, let them do this investigation or whatever it is they are doing and the truth will come out.

"So we don’t judge anybody until I know absolutely 100 percent. I won’t pass on the gossip unless I know 100 percent it is true.

"I have never ever, ever experienced any ill will or bad feeling or bad sportsmanship or rudeness from him. He will be missed."

She went on to tell the publication she had talked to Pernice just 30 minutes beforehand and that he'd been invited to a party she was hosting this weekend.

Abbington and Pernice

Pernice has now left the BBC show


"I have known Giovanni for 10 years. My mother loves him," she added.

"It does not matter when he is on tour, or where he is or what he is doing, he will make his way across and he will say ‘Lovely to see you Shirley. Lovely to see your mum.’"

Pernice has also proven his bond with Ballas remains stronger than ever after he reached out to her on social media on Monday.

In response to one of Ballas's videos, Pernice reposted it to his own Instagram page and told the Strictly judge he "loved" her.

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