'We're born where we are in life' Multi-millionaire self-proclaimed Gypsy made his fortune selling motorhomes

Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 09/01/2024

- 21:14

‘It doesn't matter where you are from’ self-proclaimed Gypsy billionaire shares sweet story behind huge success

Self-proclaimed gypsy Alfie Best has shared the sweet story behind his success.

Speaking to GBNews he said: "We're born where we are in life. We have to accept that and then go on from it.

"For me, I am a gypsy. You know, just because a cow is born in a stable doesn't make it a horse.

"Nelson Clark was the first gypsy that I ever saw that owned a Rolls Royce. And, a Rolls Royce is something that carries aspiration, and it's British through and through and for me, I think those things make us British and make us great.

"I believe anybody can achieve any of their goals. It doesn't matter where you are, who you are, where you're from.

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