Kaleb Cooper sends clear message as he wades into Welsh farmers' protest row after Jeremy Clarkson backing

WATCH HERE: Welsh farmers take to the streets to protest the government

Alex Davies

By Alex Davies

Published: 19/02/2024

- 15:57

The young farmer has thrown his support behind protesting farmers in Wales

Kaleb Cooper has joined his Clarkson's Farm co-star Jeremy Clarkson in backing the dozens of Welsh farmers who've taken to the streets in their tractors.

Farmers in Wales are currently hitting back at the Labour government's plan set out in its Sustainable Farming Scheme.

Among the plans set out in the scheme is the requirement that farmers in Wales must commit to planting 10 percent of their land with trees, as well as allocate another 10 percent as wildlife habitat.

Farmers obviously want to be accepted into the scheme as a way of receiving post-Brexit funding following EU subsidies being withdrawn.

However, protests have arisen as farmers feel the emphasis on the environment in the new scheme and its requirements are impractical and concerns about inevitable paperwork have led to fears it could overwhelm farmers.

Clarkson's Farm star Cooper has taken to Instagram after farmers took part in protests this week with a clear message to his Welsh counterparts.

Kaleb Cooper Kaleb Cooper appears alongside Jeremy Clarkson on Clarkson's Farm AMAZON

Sharing a snap of a muddy field on the social media site, Cooper simply put: "To all the Welsh farmers who are protesting we all stand with you!"

He then shared a black flag emoji before signing off his post: "󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NO FARMERS NO FOOD."

Before long, hundreds of Cooper's followers took to the comment to show their support for his stance.

"The government needs to learn not to bite the hand that feeds you," one fan commented before a second weighed in: "Surely as a country we should celebrate farming and strive to become self sufficient!"

Meanwhile, a third said: "I don't understand how people are so blinded and out of touch with where our food comes from."

A fourth fumed: "Totally agree, no farmers no food, and who and where better to grow/rear it than British farms."

"They have been taking the p**s out of farmers far too long!" a fifth raged while a sixth of Cooper's followers typed: "About time the English Farmers started protesting too!" (sic)

Cooper's message comes days after his Clarkson's Farm co-star Clarkson issued a similar statement of his own.

Kaleb Cooper

Kaleb Cooper has thrown his support behind Welsh farmers who are protesting


On X, formerly Twitter, Clarkson slammed the scheme's contents as he penned: "I’m trying to see the Welsh farming policy from the government’s point of view. And I just can’t. It’s completely daft."

And when one social media user tried to pin the blame on the Tories, Clarkson hit back: "Er. I think you’ll find that. Wales has a Labour government." (sic)

Clarkson and Cooper will soon be back on screens to delve into the hardships facing farmers in a third season of the hit Amazon Prime series.

And there's good news for fans of the record-breaking series as Amazon has already greenlit a fourth series.