JK Rowling furiously hits out at Sky after transgender killer Scarlet Blake called 'woman’: ‘Sick of this’

Eamonn and Isabel discuss JK Rowling being branded 'Britain's NASTIEST novelist' by columnist

Lauren Williams

By Lauren Williams

Published: 27/02/2024

- 08:34

Updated: 27/02/2024

- 10:45

The Harry Potter author has been branded "transphobic" by activists in the past for her views on gender identity and shared spaces

JK Rowling has ignited another transgender debate after she recently lashed out at Sky News for its failure to make it clear that a convicted murderer was a transgender woman.

Last night, Sky News reported that Scarlet Blake was jailed for life after she tortured a cat – getting inspiration from the Netflix documentary Don’t F*** With Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer.

After torturing the cat, by putting it in a blender, she targeted Jorge Martin Carreno in July 2021 as he walked home from a night out in Oxford.

Blake will serve her sentence in a men’s prison after being born in China as a male and coming out as transgender to her parents at a young age.

After seeing the clip of the Sky News report on Twitter, Rowling became infuriated and hit out the broadcaster for not making Blake’s gender history known.

She penned: “I’m so sick of this s***,” linking to the video on X before adding: “This is not a woman. These are #NotOurCrimes.”

J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling has made her issues on gender known in the past


Her comments were met with divisive response, as one user commented: “Words matter. Especially ones as fundamental as ‘woman’.”

“I really, really don’t understand why so many are going along with this. They have really put ZERO consideration into what it means, or the impact it will have,” a second penned.

Another added: “You are courageous for taking a stand for objective reality and sound thinking. This is what feminism used to be about - before postmodernism and it’s obsession with power relations made all meaning subjective.”

“Here comes the lgbtq+ mafia to argue that JK not respecting this person’s preferred gender is worse than killing a cat and putting it in a blender,” a third added.

“Stay angry. I am, and I’m not a woman (although who knows these days),” one wrote.

Rowling has been vocal about her gender identity issues on X in the past and more recently after the publication of new guidelines for transgender prisoners by the Scottish Prison Service.

The new guidelines include allowing transitioning prisoners to be admitted to female jails if they do not have a record of violence against women.

Furious, she penned on X: “The trans activist outrage that ensues on here whenever I share my belief that jailed women shouldn’t be used as validation tools or emotional support props for trans-identified male sex offenders is as revealing as it’s predictable.

J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling issued a scathing rant


“Such activists can’t bring themselves to concede that a man who was convicted of harming women/girls ought not to be incarcerated with the demographic to whom he is a proven danger, because if they do, all their stock arguments (‘no sexual predator would bother to pretend to be trans’, ‘no trans woman has ever harmed a woman in a women’s only space’, ‘there is no danger in making all single sex spaces unisex’) are exposed as the lies they are.”

She added: “If you support putting violent and sexually predatory men into women’s prisons, you are knowingly forcing those women to live in fear of, and, in some proven cases, to suffer abuse that many of them will have endured pre-incarceration.”