Eddie Izzard introduces new feminine name she has wanted to use since age 10

Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard has revealed her new name

Carl Bennett

By Carl Bennett

Published: 07/03/2023

- 17:07

Updated: 10/03/2023

- 20:58

The gender-fluid comic admits she does not mind if people use he/him pronouns towards her

Eddie Izzard has announced that she now wants to go by the name of Suzy – a name she has liked since the age of 10.

The comedian, 61, says people can choose which name they wish to address her by.

Izzard, an aspiring MP, has used she/her pronouns since 2020, although she admits she “doesn’t mind” when people say him/her.

The gender-fluid comic told Matt Forde’s Political Party podcast: “I’m Eddie. There’s another name I’m going to add in as well, which is Suzy, which I wanted to be since I was 10.

\u200bEddie Izzard, pictured in 2017

Eddie Izzard, pictured in 2017


“I’m going to be Suzy Eddie Izzard.”

The stand-up, who was renowned for wearing women’s clothes as man early in her career, added: “That’s how I’m going to roll, so people can choose what they want.

“They can’t make a mistake, they can’t go wrong.”

Launching her political career in October 2022, Izzard told people to “join the 21st century” after two MPs made “transphobic” comments about her.

Eddie Izzard

Izzard said she does not mind what pronouns she is addressed with


Labour MP Rosie Duffield has remained defiant on Izzard, saying: “I’m not calling Eddie Izzard a woman.”

Addressing Duffield’s comments directly, Izzard said: ““Transphobic attitudes come from all different quarters, unfortunately.”

She added that the Labour MP’s comments did not make her feel unwelcome to run as a candidate for the party, but added: “Again, join the 21st century – trans people exist. I exist.”

Izzard has also previously defended Harry Potter author JK Rowling, who has been at the centre of a trans-debate for a number of years.

Eddie Izzard

Izzard revealed her feminine name is one she's liked since the age of 10


In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, she said: “I don’t think JK Rowling is transphobic. I think we need to look at the things she has written about in her blog.

“Women have been through such hell over history. Trans people have been invisible, too.

“I hate the idea we are fighting between ourselves, but it’s not going to be sorted with the wave of a wand.

“I don’t have all the answers. If people disagree with me, fine – but why are we going through hell on this?”

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