Dr Michael Mosley's ITV This Morning co-stars 'praying' for safety as they speak out amid disappearance

Dermot O'Leary, Michael Mosley and Alison Hammond

The This Morning presenters expressed their concern for Michael Mosley on Friday

Lauren Williams

By Lauren Williams

Published: 07/06/2024

- 14:13

It has been feared that the TV doctor has been 'swept away at sea', according to the island's mayor

The investigation into the disappearance of TV doctor Michael Mosley is entering its third day with concerns beginning to grow that the star has been "swept away at sea" after failing to return home.

Mosley's wife Dr Clare Bailey raised the alarm that her husband didn’t return from St Nikolas Beach at 7:30pm on Wednesday evening after he had insisted on walking back to their villa after a day out.

A representative for Mosley told Metro.co.uk on Friday: "We have no further information yet and are sitting tight hoping for some good news," with many praying for his safe return.

Among those are his This Morning colleagues Alison Hammond, Dermot O'Leary, Vanessa Feltz and Nick Ferrari who expressed their love and concern for Mosley.

Kicking off the ITV show with the devastating news, O'Leary said: "Dominating the headlines today is the disappearance of our friend of the programme, Dr Michael Mosley."

Hammond turned to Feltz and asked how she was feeling, to which she replied: "This is so upsetting, I mean we have all interviewed him so many times, met him so many times.

Michael Mosley

Michael has appeared on the ITV show a number of times


"I would say he is the embodiment of vitality, he is a man of irrepressible energy, and enthusiasm. He is the most wonderful, wonderful person, when he walked into the studio the whole place lit up every time.

"I couldn't love the guy more or admire him more. Tremendous energy. So I am just praying that somehow they find him and he is somehow okay."

O'Leary continued: "It does seem quite baffling, so the rescue operation is focussing on the area after a woman reported seeing him there on Wednesday but the mayor said firefighters have told him they believe it was impossible he was still there.

"A controlled area full of people, they would have found him by now. This is obviously very worrying and quite baffling as well."

Michael and Claire Mosley

Michael and his wife were on holiday with their friends at the time of him going missing


Ferrari waded in and updated the team on recent news he received of sniffer dogs being taken to the area and said: "They have already used a helicopter, they have already used the drone.

"Unfortunately it is a mountainous and hilly area which could mean that if he has fallen or tripped or whatever, there is a lot to store, but they are setting a lot of hope in the fact they are getting trained sniffer dogs over there.

"They are very confident and then they will then go the villa he was sharing with Claire and some family friends and obviously they will then give the dogs whatever clothing.

"They are setting great store so I do think we need to get that point across that the Greeks are very encouraged by the fact that they can get the dogs over there."

Michael Mosley

The mayor of Symi is concerned the star was "swept out to sea"


Concluding their conversation and once again wishing their prayers for Mosley and his family, O'Leary expressed: "We can only hope and pray and send our love to all his loved ones that he is found and things aren't too bad."

The This Morning stars weren't the only ones to raise awareness of the ongoing situation, as Jeremy Clarkson reposted a post from film producer Sam Tromans urging followers to come forward with any information.

It read: "URGENT: MISSING PERSON. Please help find Michael Mosley in Greece. If you have any information, please come forward. Michael was last seen on the Greek island of Symi at 1:30pm. Please share this post and spread the word," the caption read on Clarkson's reposted update."

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