Brian May sparks fury with politics rant as he fumes at 'disastrous' Brexit and makes election stance clear

Brian May

Brian May has pulled no punches with his thoughts on the Conservative government

Alex Davies

By Alex Davies

Published: 25/06/2024

- 13:41

The Queen star unleashed his no-holds-barred take on social media

Queen guitarist Brian May, 76, has been met with rather angry reactions from some of his followers this week after unleashing a lengthy rant about the upcoming General Election.

The musician shared the front page of a newspaper that warned a Labour majority would be a "disaster" for the UK, prompting his angered retort.

"Now I really have to laugh!!! Disaster?!!! The only disaster would be if we FAIL to annihilate this unspeakably inept and corrupt Tory Government this time around. VOTE!!! Bri," he penned in an Instagram story post alongside an image of said paper.

However, May continued his political rant in a separate post on his main page in which he accused the current Conservative government of being an "arrogant, dishonest, corrupt, (and) awful bunch".

After describing the newspaper in question as "an organ of propaganda for the Tory party", he let loose: "When you see headlines like this, remind yourself gently that a succession of unelected Tory leaders have ruined Britain over the past 12 years.

"Arrogant, dishonest, corrupt, this awful bunch brought us the disaster of Brexit, one of the world's worst responses to Covid 19, directly responsible for the unnecessary death of many of our old folks, poverty for many, filthy water, broken promises on addressing global warming."

Brian May

Brian May has urged followers in the UK to vote on July 4


His rant then veered towards his campaigning against badger culling as he reeled off: "They brought us the shamefully inhumane idea of packing refugees off to a penal colony in Rwanda. Under 12 years of Tory rule, nearly a quarter of a million badgers have been murdered, in the name of protecting cattle from a vile disease.

"And now it's clear they all died for no benefit to cow or farmer. It's a crime beyond belief against innocent wildlife."

Before he signed off, May went on to laud Labour's proposals when it comes to the likes of badger culling and fox hunting as he typed: "Labour has committed in its manifesto to end these wildlife crimes and improve animal welfare, as well as working with farmers to help them in ways that actually work.

"This is our one chance to rid ourselves of the nastiness of a government that cares only about itself. VOTE!! Let's reach for change - for decency, and a better world for our grandchildren. Bri."

Sir Keir Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer and Labour are predicted to win a landslide majority


May's fiery post didn't go down well with several of his followers, however, with many even threatening to stop supporting the musician as a result.

"How unfortunate....I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to musicians and politics. It is with great sadness that I must bid adieu to a life long guitar hero. I wish you nothing but the best Mr. May, take care," one fan said.

A second hit back at the guitarist: "How very convenient to pretend to be a socialist, sitting on your hundreds of millions, light years away from the legitimate fears of small businesses like ours who may be taxed to hell under Labour, our house, savings, investments, pensions all we worked so hard for in great peril... I'm a fan of your music and always will be, not your ideas!"

Another mocked: "Vote for who then, Mr May? Labour [laughing emoji] Reform [laughing emoji] all as bad as each other. You seriously want 16 year old to get the vote? Kids with zero life experience? No thanks."

"Good luck with Labour. Somehow I don’t think they’ll be all you’re hoping for," a fourth fumed before a fifth argued: "Brian, you can afford to vote Labour. Most of us can’t."

However, some applauded May's political stance, including one user who replied: "Absolutely Brian you can count on us!!! Think we’ve all had enough……"

And a second simply put alongside a thumbs-up emoji: "Well said @brianmayforreal!!" (sic)

May isn't the only musician to find himself on the receiving end of criticism for expressing his staunch political views of late.

Rod Stewart, 79, faced "booing" from crowds in Germany this month after putting on a public display of support for Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky.

May's rant comes as pollsters predict a Labour landslide victory on July 4.

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