By blurring the lines between what a man and a woman is, William Hague has made a right tit of himself, says Mark Dolan

GB News
Mark Dolan

By Mark Dolan

Published: 22/04/2023

- 21:19

Updated: 24/04/2023

- 08:15

'’Im passionately pro-trans... But not at the expense of, or against the hard won rights of others – in this case women'

Best known for wearing a cap at Thorpe Park, has had a rollercoaster week. The former Foreign Secretary, who I've always admired, appears to have lost the plot as demonstrated by his candid interview with Times radio.

In it, he said that the women's Institute, a venerated and ancient institution, created as a community focused on the interests of all females, should allow trans women – that’s biological males, identifying as females, to join.

Most egregiously was the language he used – telling women to effectively get over it and get used to intact biological males joining, which surely defeats the object of the Women's Institute. I would humbly suggest the clue is in the name.

So what have all these women got to get over and get used to Mr Hague? Have they got to get over and get used to double rapists accommodated in women's prisons? Have they got to get over and get used to bizarre headlines like this one:

Mark Dolan presenting

Mark Dolan gives his big opinion on former Foreign Secretary William Hague entering the trans debate

GB News

"Ex soldier exposed her penis and used wheelie bin as a sex toy in public”. This is progress, is it, Mr Hague?

Have they got to get over and get used to the grim dystopia of unisex changing rooms and the awkwardness, discomfort, and sometimes terror brought about by single sex changing rooms? Has this woman got to get over it, after being confronted by two men at a changing room in Primark?

A woman in tears in her car after a shopping trip. This is progress is it Mr Hague? Have women got to get over single sex toilets? Stories are now legion of schoolgirls not going to the toilet all day long, because they don't want to go to a bathroom where boys will be. If you know anything about boys at school, you'll know exactly why.

This is not a slander on trans people. I’m passionately pro-trans, I have friends who have been on this important journey and believe it to be a fundamental right to identify as you wish and for that to be respected. But not at the expense of, or against the hard won rights of others – in this case women.

This isn’t about trans or non-trans. The grim reality, is that to the female of the species, all males – And even Donald duck for that matter! Ask Daffy Duck! Anyone rocking the meat and two veg, always has been and always will be, a potential threat to women.

Which is why we have single sex spaces. And the women’s Institute has been a community, a haven and a comfort to females for decades. But Hague now thinks that biological men who call themselves female, being part of it, is something which is inevitable.

Charming, yet another bloke telling you to get over this and get used to it ladies. Mr Hague forgive me - and all of the female viewers watching and listening to this show - who won't get over it, and won't accept it or get used to this madness. As the suffragettes proved, women's rights, were always a hill to die on, and they always will be.

By blurring the lines between what a man and a woman is, William Hague has made a right tit of himself. Willy wants willies in the WI. Get over it.