‘I really don’t like her!’ American conservatives hit out at Meghan Markle

‘I really don’t like her!’ American conservatives hit out at Meghan Markle

American conservatives hit out at Meghan

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 21/06/2024

- 13:37

Steven Edginton spoke to American conservatives at the Turning Point USA convention

American conservatives have hit out at Meghan Markle during the Turning Point USA convention in Detroit.

Since she and Prince Harry upped sticks and started a new life in California in 2020, their relationship with the American public has been mixed, but recent popularity polls have them on the up.

But this was not evident at the convention with American right-wingers making their distaste for the duchess clear.

One told Steve Edginton on GBN America: “I really don’t like her.”

American conservatives, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

American conservatives have hit out at Meghan


She added: “Being a conservative, I think she stands for too many liberal things in life.

“I don’t like how she presented the British Royal Family.

Meghan MarkleMeghan MarklePA

“I know us Americans are not supposed to be sympathetic to the royals, but they remain with certain class and certain conservative values that we should appreciate.

“I don’t like that she tried to tear that apart.”

Another was critical of Meghan, but her complaints were mainly aimed at her Hollywood background.

“I don’t have a lot of high esteem for a lot of them [Hollywood stars]”, she said.

Young American conservatives

Young American conservatives spoke to Steve Edginton


“When you’re behind the curtain, you get to see how they really are. There’s a lot of nonsense that goes on.”

Another commented: “I don’t know much about her. I don’t look up to her like I would look up to Princess Kate.”

Meghan’s criticism of the Royal Family was a key sticking point for one conservative, who said the duchess caused “such commotion and drama” that was “really unnecessary”.

The conference weren’t overwhelmingly against Meghan, with one conservative sympathising with the Montecito-based royal.

“I think she gets a bad rap in the media”, she said.

“She’s very pretty and I don’t know why the media kind of beats her up. I don’t really know what to think, I don’t know her personally.

“But she gets beat up a lot and that’s never fun.”

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