Richard Tice's Sunday Sermon: Britain is in CHAOS and it's going to get worse. We need a grown up in charge of the country

Richard Tice's Sunday Sermon: Britain is in CHAOS and it's going to get worse. We need a grown up in charge of the country
Richard Tice

By Richard Tice

Published: 19/11/2023

- 11:00

Every day this week there has been a jaw dropping moment in British politics that shames the UK

Welcome to this week's favourite Sunday sermon. Tumultuous: Wow, What does it mean? Noisy. Confused. Disorderly. I think it's fair to say that's a good description of the week in politics that we've just experienced.

Yes, it kicked off on Monday with the removal by the Prime Minister of his home secretary, a Brexiteer, someone who was robustly determined to reduce immigration and to stop the boats.

He appointed David Cameron back into the Cabinet, a Remainer, having lost a Brexiteer.

Tuesday, she gets her revenge with a bombshell letter attacking the Prime Minister for misleading not only her, but more importantly, the British people.

Wednesday, the Prime Minister's Rwanda plan, that the former Home Secretary had said he had got wrong and hadn't had a Plan B... it's in tatters. It's over. Yes, the Supreme Court have ruled that it's unlawful. The Prime Minister didn't have a Plan B.

All of these things would be a huge week in politics. But if you think that's bad enough, that actually was just the beginning, because we had votes in the House of Commons amendments as to whether or not the government in the UK should be calling for a ceasefire. Ten front bench resignations in the Labour Party over that vote, and the stance of the leader of the opposition.

Protests evermore aggressive and violent in Parliament Square. These extreme pro Hamas supporters targeting the Cenotaph.

As if you had thought the police would have learnt the lesson from the previous weekend in those protests Wednesday night, attacking journalists, attacking camera crew from GB News. Shocking abuse. This so much worse than when it all started on the first demonstration on October 9.

Watch Richard Tice's full Sunday Sermon for November 19 2023 above.

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