Alastair Campbell launches furious attack on Nigel Farage's TRIC Award win - 'Ridiculous!'

Alastair Campbell launches furious attack on Nigel Farage's TRIC Award win - 'Ridiculous!'

WATCH NOW: Alastair Campbell fumes at Nigel Farage's TRIC Awards win

GB News
Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 26/06/2024

- 11:16

Updated: 26/06/2024

- 11:16

Nigel Farage won the TRIC Award for Best News Presenter at Tuesday night's ceremony in London

Alastair Campbell has attacked Nigel Farage for his "ridiculous" win at the TRIC Awards, claiming the public vote was "organised by Farage's mates".

The Reform UK leader and former GB News host took home the award for Best News Presenter at the ceremony on Tuesday night, his second award in a row.

Addressing the audience in his speech, Farage noted there was "less hostility" towards the channel at this year's event, and declared people will "be seeing more of him" as he takes on the General Election this July.

Farage dismissed the boos from the crowd as he told them: "It's like a crowd at a wrestling event really! Just think about it, GB News Breakfast has won, the Camilla Tominey interview with Alastair Stewart won and I have won for a second year in a row for News Presenter of the Year.

Nigel Farage and Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell hit out at Nigel Farage's TRIC Awards win

PA / GB News

"What that says to you is that GB News is here to stay as a mainstream broadcaster in this country and thank goodness for that! Well, know those that boo clearly don't like competition! A massive thank you to our listeners and our viewers."

Appearing on GB News, former Journalist Alastair Campbell told host Andrew Pierce that Farage is like "a pantomime show" and "says what he thinks".

Campbell hit out at Farage's award win, fuming: "I think it's ridiculous he won that award last night, because if this is not a news channel, how can he be Best News Presenter? He organised the vote!"

Andrew hit back at Campbell's claim, arguing: "The TRIC Awards have been around since 1931, they know the rules and regulations.

Campbell rebutted Andrew's example, hitting back that "Ed Balls isn't a serving politician", to which Andrew claimed that Balls "was a cabinet minister until very recently".

Andrew then added: "David Lammy was doing a breakfast show on LBC while he was Shadow Foreign Secretary?"

Campbell responded that Farage "is a serving politician", but his issue is also with GB News as a channel and "how it is regulated".

He told Andrew: "I've got no problem with people doing the shows. The defence of GB News for not being regulated in the same way as others is that it's not a news channel."

Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell claimed Farage's 'mates organised the public vote'

GB News

Andrew made clear that the TRIC Awards is run by a "public vote", and that GB News won their accolades "by a public vote".

Campbell disagreed, affirming his claim: "It's a public vote organised by Nigel Farage's mates!"

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