Meghan Markle 'wanted to be a superstar' as duchess compared to 'quiet' Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie

Meghan Markle 'wanted to be a superstar' as duchess compared to 'quiet' Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie

WATCH NOW: Prince William has ‘full trust’ in Beatrice and Eugenie

GB News
Dorothy Reddin

By Dorothy Reddin

Published: 26/05/2024

- 11:04

Updated: 13/06/2024

- 21:11

The Duchess of Sussex stepped back as a senior royal four years ago

Meghan Markle "wanted to be a superstar", as the Duchess of Sussex has been compared to the "quiet" Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie by a royal commentator.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex originally wanted to be "half-in, half-out" members of the Royal Family, where they would support the late Queen Elizabeth II but also be allowed to work and earn independent salaries.

However, this was not allowed by the late monarch, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle eventually left the UK permanently and settled in the US with their two children.

At the time and subsequently, many Sussex fans have compared the duke and duchess's situation to Princesses Beatrice, 35, and Eugenie, 34, who hold down normal jobs but also appear at events like Buckingham Palace garden parties.

Meghan Markle, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie

Meghan Markle, Princess Beatrice and Eugenie are not senior working royals


Beatrice is the vice president at tech company Afiniti, while Eugenie is the art director at Hauser & Wirth.

Fans of Harry and Meghan have often claimed the couple were treated unfairly and that the "half-in, half-out" strategy could have worked.

However, royal commentator Jane Barr has refuted those claims.

Writing in the From Berkshire to Buckingham newsletter, Barr suggested: "She [Meghan] would not have been happy with the ultimately quiet or truly independent/non-royal lives that William and Harry's cousins actually live.

Harry and Meghan interviewed by Oprah Winfrey

Harry and Meghan were interviewed by Oprah Winfrey

Harpo Productions

“Looking back to Megxit, Harry was not just the grandson of the Queen, the same relationship all his cousins had to the sovereign, he was the son of the future King.

“William and Harry were — from birth — preeminent royals, while their cousins, although celebrated, surely, began as secondary royals and only continued to fade as the years went by.

“Harry seems so bitter about being the spare, but he has always been quite senior to his cousins, and treated accordingly."

Beatrice, Eugenie, Zara Tindall and Mike Tindall all appeared at the Buckingham Palace garden party earlier this week, where they were praised as being "helpful" towards King Charles and Prince William.

Princess Beatrice and Princess EugeniePrincess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie at the CoronationPA
Harry and MeghanHarry and Meghan moved to the US in January 2020PA

But Barr claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not "resemble" the other non-senior Royal Family members.

She suggested: “The second difference is what Harry and Meghan sought, which did not resemble any of their family members’ situations.

“Beatrice and Eugenie, HRHs both, hold down regular jobs, not glitzy high-dollar partnerships with behemoth entertainment corporations.

"Meghan wanted to take her HRH and her title and be a superstar in her own sphere on the international stage, wholly separate from the control of the Crown."

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