Michael Knowles BLASTS pre-paid debit cards for migrants - 'New Yorkers are being kicked out of their own city!'

Michael Knowles BLASTS pre-paid debit cards for migrants - 'New Yorkers are being kicked out of their own city!'

Michael Knowles BLASTS pre-paid debit cards for migrants 'New Yorkers are being kicked out of their own city!'

GBN America
Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 12/02/2024

- 10:05

Updated: 12/02/2024

- 12:21

New York City is launching a pilot programme that will provide illegal migrants with prepaid debit cards for food and baby supplies

Host of the Daily Wire Michael Knowles says that 'New Yorkers are being kicked out of their own city" as America deals with the migrant crisis.

It comes as it has been revealed that the mayor of NYC Eric Adams has defended his new $53million program that would give pre-paid debit cards to migrants for food and baby supplies.

Migrants housed in one of the city's hotels receive the card instead of the city providing meals the migrants often do not want.

Speaking to GBN America Knowles blasted the choice and claimed: "They are being put up at some of the nicest hotels in New York City."

Michael Knowles

Michael Knowles claimed the migrants are being housed in "some of the nicest NYC hotels"

GBN America

Knowles said: "You'll find yourself in a very nice New York City hotel. And by the way, you won't need a family to do it.
The Biden administration is pretending that this is all about helping young families.

"I was walking around New York not so long ago and I was walking past the Roosevelt Hotel.

"It is one of the most famous hotels in New York, it is a big, beautiful hotel right by the Vanderbilt, right by Fifth Avenue, right by Grand Central, it is prime real estate.

"I look around and all I see is a ton of fighting-age foreign men, some clearly from Latin America, some clearly from Africa, at the very least from Caribbean islands, from all over the place.

Eric Adams

Mayor Eric Adams defended the decision

Wiki Commons images/ Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York

"The migration crisis is leading people to fly in from another continent. They'll land in Nicaragua or Honduras, and they'll just enter the US.

"There were maybe a couple of young women and kids. But what we're talking about here is young men, we're talking about economic migrants who are coming here and are not only being allowed to work, they're being given credit cards.

"They're being put up at some of the nicest hotels in New York City. Meanwhile, New Yorkers are being kicked out of their parks.

"New Yorkers are being kicked out of the facilities they use for recreation and work.

Michael Knowles, Patrick Christys

Michael Knowles spoke to Patrick Christys on GBN America

GBN America

"The New York City mayor, Eric Adams, tried to push against this. He said illegal immigration might destroy New York City.

"He had a meeting with the Biden White House scheduled.

"And then what happened?

"Just before that meeting with the Biden White House, Eric Adams started to be investigated for corruption, and all of a sudden he dropped his appointed remarks about illegal immigration."

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