Colorado migrant crisis: Denver spent $32million on illegal migrants -'Secure the southern border'

Colorado migrant crisis: Denver spent $32million on illegal migrants -'Secure the southern border'

Colorado migrant crisis: Denver spent $32million on illegal migrants

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 11/12/2023

- 16:38

Updated: 11/12/2023

- 16:48

The city has been given 'sanctuary' status

A Denver-based reporter has offered a solution to solving the Colorado migrant crisis.

Speaking on GB News, Jimmy Sengenberger hit out at authorities as $32 million was spent by the city to support newly arrived migrants.

The city has been given “sanctuary” status, making it a sought after location for migrants.

Sengenberger told Patrick Christys the city is now overwhelmed, and the issue can only be solved by “securing the southern border”.

Patrick Christys and Jimmy SengenbergerPatrick Christys spoke to Jimmy Sengenberger GB NEWS

“It has cost the city of Denver $32 million so far, and they’ve recouped less than half of that from the state and federal governments”, he said.

“This is a travesty because this is, number one, a crisis at the southern border where you have such a massive influx of people coming across illegally because it’s so porous.

Denver migrants


“The security is not there, it is a failure of federal government.”

Sengenberger added that governors in the southern border states are sending migrants to “sanctuary cities” in a bid to prove a political point.

“There’s a political point that some of them are trying to prove”, he said.

“They’re saying ‘OK, you’re a sanctuary, you’re welcoming these people, so have at it.”

Denver is estimated to have received more than 30,000 immigrants in one year in what a city spokesman has dubbed an “emergency”.

“It has taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears from the Denver staff”, he told CBS.

Sengenberger told Patrick Christys that there has been a “change” in where migrants are arriving from.

“It’s not just from South America, it’s people coming in from Africa and from Asia”, he said.

“They’re apparently being sold this bill of goods that if they come to the United States, they’ll be provided with food, medical care and housing.

“That is overburdening cities across the country, including those like Denver, where we have a status for the City of Denver in what’s called a ‘sanctuary city’ where reporting immigrants, illegal immigrants to federal authorities, Immigration and Customs Enforcement isn’t a standard practice.

“In fact, it’s explicitly discouraged.”

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